Black Mold Expert, Your Resource for Mold Removal

We are providing you with the best information on black mold. Covering daily problems and handing homeowner’s a solution they can work with is the main mission here at We provide you with tips on finding mold in your house, how to remove guides, prevention, testing and inspection. In addition we offer comprehensive articles on the health effects and symptoms for a better understanding of the risks involved with it’s exposure.
Black Mold Prevention

Prevention is better than cure is the well known saying and this is definitely true for fungus in your home. There are numerous precautions you can take to prevent an infestation, like controlling the indoor humidity and making sure there is sufficient ventilation in your home. To find out how to prevent black mold, make sure you read our Prevention Guide.
Mold Testing and Inspection

To find out if your home suffers from toxic black mold, you have a couple of options to test this. The first option you have is through some do-it-yourself testing methods. Most of these diy testing can be done with testing kits, which you can pick up at your local hardware store or even online. For mold testing on a larger scale you could choose for the second option: hire a professional mold inspector. To find out the ins and outs on mould testing make sure you take some time to read our Testing and Inspection Guide.
Removal and Clean Up

Black mold can be found in many different places in your home. After you detected the mould, it is crucial to remove it. The removal process can be a simple task if the affected area isn’t that large, but there are some tips you should consider before you start the black mold removal process. To find out how this process works, we recommend you take a look at our Removal and Clean Up Guide.

Being exposed to black mold can be hazardous to your health. There are many symptoms that can be caused by being exposed to toxic mold. If you get a better understanding about these black mold related symptoms, you might recognize the exposure or poisoning caused by the fungus much faster than others. To find out what these symptoms are and how to recognize them, I would suggest to read through our Symptoms Guide.
Health Effects

Toxic black mold can be related to many health effects you might experience. The exposure to black mold can result in various health effects, like organ damage, skin damage, vascular damage, allergies and invasive diseases. As you can see the effects can be an enormous risk to your health, therefore we suggest you learn more about these health risks and effects from our Health Effects Guide.